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Message to Jewish Lawyers Association of Nassau County

Jewish Lawyers Association of Nassau County - Jewish  in Woodmere NY

Jewish Lawyers Association of Nassau County

(516) 374-1962
(516) 374-1962

About Jewish Lawyers Association of Nassau County

The Jewish Lawyers Association of Nassau County, commonly referred to as the JLA, was established in 1973 and continues to thrive as a vital component of the Nassau County legal community. The JLA was created by Jewish lawyers and judges and was born of a desire to gather members of the bench and bar around shared beliefs and promote the Jewish values of Torah tzedek u’mishpat (charity, justice, and learning). The JLA offers access to meaningful and exciting events, educational programs, and professional opportunities, all taking place in a cordial and welcoming atmosphere.


Primary Office Location

pin 567 Sunset Drive Woodmere NY 11598

pin (516) 374-1962


Social Media

Facebook page for Jewish Lawyers Association of Nassau County - Jewish  in Woodmere Instagram page for Jewish Lawyers Association of Nassau County - Jewish  in Woodmere
Message Jewish Lawyers Association of Nassau County
(516) 374-1962